the sine wave
February 2002

The Big Huge Tiny February Update
All right, people.  Here it is.  It's the February update, and it's not going to be pretty.  But if you can read all the way through this and survive, then you'll be perfectly normal because the stuff on this page is just words, and words can't kill anyone except Destructo the Giant Robot.  See, I'm making entries refer back to earlier ones, just like my Japanese kanji quizzes often had old kanji thrown in to test how well we remembered them as well as the new ones.  So stay tuned for my Azenera updates, pointless ramblings, and political opinions that aren't serious at all but rather are motivated by spite and the occasional urge to appear edgy and shocking.
Okay!  I'll do better!
I said Azenera level 3 was done and yeah, I guess it was, but I was right about there being bugs in it.  I'm fixing it up right now as I start level 4.  Most of the ambient sounds and effects were missing, the thunder goblins had ice spells instead of thunder spells, the North Star had terrible range, and the problems go on and on.  I've fixed most of the problems, and I'm also adding something new to level 1.  You see, throughout the game, I want there to always be a weapon you can get that's indestructible and can drain health from enemies.  I was originally going to have one of these weapons appear on level 4, and I still am, but I've included a weaker version of the weapon on level 1.  It's called the Hunter's Knife, and it does 5 points of damage and gives you 2 health points when you hit an enemy.  The Healer's Blade on level 4 will do 5 damage as well, but it'll give you 5 health points, so it'll be worth the challenge you face to get it.
Well, that's it
I guess this didn't really turn out to be a big huge update after all.  It's more like a Fun Size update, but without the fun and a bit smaller.  Oh well... smaller entries are more efficient and better for the environment anyway.

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