January 2003
I'm still here
I haven't updated in so long, but I'm finally getting the chance to
do it now. The old hard drive on my computer crashed, so we had to
reinstall everything, including all the programs I use to update this site.
I'm using the Composer component of Netscape 7, and so far I've found
a few annoying things about it. It puts the cursor in a weird spot
above a horizontal line when it's really positioned on or below it, and it
doesn't display the right colors for hyperlinks. FTP Explorer still
works fine, but it's getting kind of hard to upload files because I can't
make new directories on my share of the MNInter.net server, so I have over
a thousand files in the same directory thanks to all the Utah stuff. Maybe
I should find somewhere else to put this site because it's really becoming
a pain. I almost didn't even update it at all this time!
I have a confession
Well, I guess I should be honest with you. I've kind of been
neglecting Azenera lately because of all the work I've had to do for college,
and even during this vacation I've been playing my PS2 games because I'm
not taking the PS2 back with me to college and I have to play them now
and squeeze all the enjoyment I can out of this vacation. But rest
assured, I haven't forgotten about Azenera. I know the last thing
I did with the series was release level 4 and change the health crystal
system. It's easy enough to change it back if you know how to edit
objects in the editor, but some people still might see the change as something
that ruined the series. I wish I could find a way to increase the
inventory size, besides making all the items take up only one space, but
the inventory size seems to be hardcoded into the game and there's no way
around it. Lately I've been thinking about adding a few places in the
game where you can choose to fight an enemy in exchange for a few items such
as health crystals or spells, and you can keep fighting the enemy as many
times as you want so you can get all the spells you want if you're willing
to spend hours killing ghosts. I'm also writing a sort of intentionally
bad, humorous Drakan fan fiction story called Betrayal of Idonn, but I don't
know if I'll ever put it up on this site because it might be so bad it's
not even good, it's just bad. Oh well, I'll see how everything turns
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