December 2003
- 18 -
Phase 5: Western

So I wrote all about
Dante's Inferno and Lancelot and
courtly love, not to be confused with Courtney Love, ha ha ha!
I'm so funny, I just keep making these puns. I swear that's the
highest level of humor, puns! At the lowest level there's toilet
humor, then above that there's situational irony, and then biting
satire, and finally at the top there's the pun. I could write a
whole essay on how puns are so great, but I'm all essayed out, thank
you very much!
Back to sanity

are over and it's time for winter break! Woohoo! Sorry
about the short and frantic updates, I haven't had time to write
entries lately because of finals. But now that finals are over,
it's like a great weight has been lifted from my back. I've been
continuing my adventures in Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna. I
think I'm close to the end of the Aranna quest, but I don't know
because this game just keeps going on and on! My characters'
levels are keeping up with the standards, but I've decided to have
three characters where one is a combination nature and combat
mage. I've been building both of those magic skills equally and
the result is that I can cast a bunch of spells, but only the
lower-level ones! It's like having the Red Mage from Final
Fantasy 1 in my party, but without the fighting abilities or the extra
hit points. This game seems to really reward specialization, so
next time I think I'll have a four-character party with a character for
each of the four skills. You know, the more I think about the
world of Aranna, the more it reminds me of Morrowind. Both games
have an island whose native inhabitants are people with blue-gray
skin. In Morrowind it's Vvardenfell with the Dunmer, and in
Aranna it's the island of Aranna with the Utraeans. Also, both
games feature cat people and lizard people who fill roles that are
similar in some ways but totally different in others. In
Morrowind, the catlike Khajiit and lizardlike Argonians inhabit
Vvardenfell, and some are free citizens while others are slaves.
In Aranna, the catlike Hassat and lizardlike Zaurask were created by
the Utraeans to be slaves, but they rebelled and broke free, and now
they are under the control of a ruthless warlord who's trying to
conquer all the cities of Aranna, so they're the main enemy in the game
most of the time.
- 17 -
Phase 4: Technical Japanese

the? Index of refraction? Snell's formula?
Lorentz-Lorenz who? You can write this jargon, George, but you
can't say it. What is a tensor, anyway? You could say that
these finals are tensors because they make me tense. Oh my god
that's such a funny pun, ha ha ha!
- 16 -
Phase 3: Algorithms

algorithms final is done and I don't know how I did. I know I
screwed up the network flow model, but the test was already over before
I discovered a better solution. Oh well, I hope I at least get
credit for figuring out the basic problem to be solved.
- 15 -
Phase 2: The horrible quiet

No final
today. Must study must study... gah! Can't resist lure of
TV... what's on tonight? Some good stuff... no! Must
study! I... have... to... know... those... algorithms!
- 14 -
Phase 1: Numerical Methods

Well, I
took it. I think I did all right, but we'll have to see.
- 13 -
Finals week begins

It's the
beginning of finals week, and let's see if I can get through it.
Tomorrow there's my numerical methods final, and two days after that
there's my algorithms final, and the day after that is when my Japanese
translation final is due, and then there's my Western Civilization
final. Oh boy, this is going to be a load of fun.
- 12 -
Still no guides

Can you
believe that Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna still has no FAQs or
guides available at
Sure, there are some codes available, but usually people come out in
droves to write FAQs for every single game out there. Well, every
game except possibly the bad ones, and Dungeon Siege doesn't seem like
such a bad game to me. It might be too new, because according to
the information posted on GameFAQs it's only been out for a
month. It's not that big a deal, since the Dungeon Siege puzzles
I've seen so far aren't too hard to figure out.
- 11 -
Two victories

done! The final boss has been beaten, and also I killed the evil
overlord Gom. By final boss, I mean my energy resources final
exam, which I think I did pretty well on. Gom is also a final
boss because he's the ultimate enemy in the Ehb campaign of Dungeon
Siege, and I went into his volcano lair and pounded him with weapons
and magic until he was defeated. He did one of those things where
at first he's this kind of unimpressive enemy, but then he's
resurrected as a mega-powerful giant being that hits you with a bunch
of heavy attacks. He would shoot you with lightning, which was
actually his weakest attack, and he would pound you with debris and
acid rain, and his worst attack was summoning a bunch of tough
monsters. If you're playing with only a few characters, you can't
assign a bunch of people to kill the monsters one-on-one, so I ended up
having to run away every time Gom summoned monsters. After I had
killed Gom, the screen faded to black and displayed a message saying
that the evil had been vanquished, but that there was a new evil
brewing in some unspecified place, so please buy the sequel and the
expansion pack available soon in stores near you. Actually, it
didn't really say to buy the sequel, but it was such a blatant setup
for one... like the one I'll be playing next, the Aranna
campaign. Anyway, it was kind of like the worst ending ever, even
worse than Drakan 1. Maybe I'll try multiplayer, but I don't know
of anyone I could play with and I'm too busy to live by other people's
playing schedules.
- 10 -
I only laugh to hide the pain

I really
need to keep up with my writing for this webpage, and also I need to
get back to Azenera. I have finals, but I've been spending all
this time getting through Dungeon Siege. You know, now I think I
realize what the inspiration for Progress Quest was, because this game
is kind of like the 3D mode for that "game" that everyone keeps talking
about. Some aspects of the game are interesting, but a lot of it
is busywork and chores like that inventory management I mentioned
yesterday, shopping for supplies, and waiting for my characters' health
and mana to replenish because I'm too cheap to use potions (which is
one of the many reasons I always specialize in magic to the exclusion
of everything else in Drakan 2, by the way). Tomorrow I have my
energy resources final, so I'd better stop playing this game and start
- 9 -
Stuck in a dungeon

what game I've been playing? No, it's not another first-person
shooter like all those demos I've been downloading. It's Dungeon
Siege: Legends of Aranna. It contains both the Aranna expansion
pack and the first game, which I didn't have yet so it was a pretty
good deal for me. I've been playing the original Ehb campaign and
it's all right, but it's kind of repetitive and there's a lot of
inventory management. There are two pack mules in my party, but
my inventory is still filling up pretty quickly even with all that
space. I had the same problem in Morrowind, but in that game I
could always use a bunch of spells to boost my inventory capacity up to
over 1000. Also, in Morrowind, items usually didn't disappear,
even when you left them on the ground in the middle of Balmora, whereas
in Dungeon Siege, items will disappear if you leave them behind.
That saves a lot of pointless backtracking, but it's annoying.
Another thing that discourages backtracking in Dungeon Siege is the
fact that enemies don't respawn, at least not in the single player
game. That takes some of the pressure off you because you can
always retreat to safe territory, but if you ever do feel like
backtracking to do an old quest that you forgot, you're going to have
to do a lot of walking over empty ground. Are you at Fortress
Kroth and you just remembered that you forgot to get those books for
the guy in Glacern or clear out someone's basement? Well, if you
want to do those quests, then you'll have to spend at least 10 minutes
slowly trudging over land you've already seen with nothing to do on the
way except possibly renew some buff spell you've been casting on your
characters. There's no way to speed up this process, except
possibly by using the group haste spell, but that takes a lot of mana
and doesn't help that much. I've heard that there are teleporters
in the Aranna quest, so that should make it less tedious if I want to
go back to some old place. One of the things that surprises me
about Dungeon Siege is that the physics system and collision detection
seem more advanced than what is required for a party-based dungeon
crawler with actions based on character stats. Bombs bounce off
walls and have explosions with radius damage, items drop and come to a
rest realistically when they land on the ground, and arrows and bolts
are affected by gravity. This isn't a bad thing - in fact, it's
rather welcome - but sometimes it just feels like I should have the
ability to break out of the style of the game and play it like an
action game, where I can move a character with the keyboard, turn with
the mouse, and attack in any direction at will instead of ordering
characters to attack specific things, and it's frustrating that I can't
get that much control. But then again, even that wouldn't solve
the problem of being mobbed by monsters all the time.
- 8 -
Sue me, I'm late

October, I had Shalo Kitie come in and give the current mood and
music. That was my "thing" for that month. For November, my
thing was being really moody and stuff. This month, my thing is
coming in late. I got back from Thanksgiving break on November
30, which wasn't really much time at all that I got to spend at
home. I played Jak II and got a good way through it, but some of
those minigames are just next to impossible. I mean, I have to
collect 60 green eco things in 2 minutes, and they're scattered around
this big city waterway area on top of railings and everything?
Come on! Well, I hope I get some kind of speeder upper thing that
lets me get around faster. Maybe I just have to memorize a
pattern. Since I'm taking an algorithms class, I could probably
come up with some polynomial-time algorithm to determine the shortest
path that takes me through all the green eco blobs... oh wait, no I
can't because it's a variation on a Hamiltonian path problem and that's
NP-complete. Oh well, there's probably a FAQ somewhere on the
Internet that has a map or directions for all these minigames.
Despite the occasionally frustrating minigames and the lack of gun
aiming in first-person view mode, Jak II is a really good game.
It has great gameplay and graphics, and the main city in the game has a
real oppressive and gritty atmosphere to it while still being
humorous. There are loudspeakers scattered around the city that
broadcast propaganda, and there are guards patrolling the streets
everywhere. If you get in a fight with a guard or get in trouble
in some other way, then you can't just defeat the whole town like you
can in games like Morrowind because the guards will keep coming and
bringing in increasingly heavy reinforcements, and there aren't any
health powerups in the city so eventually you'll be beaten unless you
can run and hide. Usually you can walk or ride a hovercraft
through the city without being hassled, but sometimes you'll get a
mission where you have to escort someone to another place in the city
or deliver cargo in a limited amount of time. When you start
missions like that, the guards go on alert and attack you as soon as
they see you, so you have to race against the clock while keeping track
of where you're going and avoiding enemy fire. It can get pretty
hectic sometimes. The game's storyline is interesting because it
has ties to the first game while being very different in nature.
You'll meet old characters, but they'll be in new roles. I can't
wait to get back to Jak II, but I'll also have other games waiting for
me such as Ratchet and Clank II and Final Fantasy X-2. This
winter break is going to be too short.