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Resource Links
Some Minnesota Resource Websites :
Embrace Open Space, Campaign to celebrate the preservation and restoration of special natural green spaces in the the Twin Cities metropolitan area, spearheaded by the McKnight Foundation.
Lake Access, Real-time water quality information on Minneapolis metropolitan lakes to the public using advanced sensor technology and the Internet; lawn fertilizer phosphorus effects on water quality in Medicine Lake.
A Community Vision for Lower Phalen Creek, Watershed education, and the re-building of a greenway link from Swede Hollow Park to the Mississippi River along the path of the now buried Phalen Creek.
Friends of the Mississippi River, Working for a Mississippi River that is cleaner, healthier, more alive and more inviting. Preserving and restoring the river, its floodplains, scenic bluffs, and native plants.
U of M Extension Service, native vegetation, Restore your back yard and your shoreland with native vegetation.
Preserve Camp Coldwater Coalition, Preserving and restoring the natural resources and cultural integrity of the Camp Coldwater area.
Great River Greening, A nonprofit community-based organization that exists to help communities restore, manage, and learn about their natural environment through volunteer involvement.
Some Local Bassett Creek Related Websites :
Embrace Open Space - Preserve and Restore Bassett Creek , Bassett Creek is showcased as one example of the many special natural spaces that deserve preservation and restoration.
Bassett Creek Water Management Commission, Website of the official Bassett Creek watershed organization, the 'Bassett Creek Water Management Commission', a joint powers organization.
MOEA, MNSCN Website With Case Study of Bassett Creek in Minneapolis, Case study from the 'Neighborhood Environmental Sustainability Conference', 26-Jan-02, facilitated by the 'Center For Neighborhoods' with Sean Gosiewski as the main organizer.
Bassett Creek Valley Master Plan for Redevelopment , City of Minneapolis, Council approved master plan for redevelopment of the Bassett Creek Valley area on the west side of Minneapolis.
Crippled Creek , City Pages newspaper cover story on Bassett Creek by Meleah Maynard, Nov-2000.
FSTS - From Site to Story - Bassett's Creek History, A history of 1800's industrial development along the banks of Bassett Creek in Minneapolis.
Eco-Industrial Development in the Bassett Creek Valley , The E4-Partners Inc, project on the west side of Minneapolis.
MASLA Bassett's Creek Project , The Minnesota Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (MASLA) project of Bassett Creek erosion site restoration near Fruen Mill.
Aquifer Water for Once-through Cooling, General Mills vs DNR , General Mills lawsuit against the Minnesota DNR over once-through cooling, aquifer-pumping and discharge into Bassett Creek.
Various helpful websites :
Adobe Creek Restoration Project -- United Anglers
of Casa Grande
American Rivers
Big River Newsletter
Environmental Protection Agency's Surf Your Watershed
Getting to Know Your Watershed -- Center for Global
Low Impact Development, lowimpactdevelopment.org
Minnesota DNR 'Adopt-A-River' program
Mississippi River Basin Alliance
"Old Man River" Gets Health Check Up --- USGS
River Network
Rivers Council of Minnesota
Rouge River Project -- Landscape Practices
Save Our Streams
Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center - USGS
Environment Federation
Some Local Internet Discussion List-serves Related to Bassett Creek
Friends of Bassett Creek discussion e-List
( Public Internet discussion and information forum, open to anyone interested in helping to protect and restore Bassett's Creek. )Bassett Creek Valley Redevelopment discussion e-List
( Public Internet discussion and information forum, open to anyone interested in the redevelopment of the Bassett's Creek Valley area of Mpls. )Bassett's Creek watershed discussion e-List
( Public Internet discussion and information forum, open to anyone interested in Bassett Creek watershed issues. )
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