::Title: Southeast Asis Trip Singapore, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia March 2001
::Author: Steve Engelhardt, steven_t_engelhardt
Singapore / Indonesia / Cambodia / laos / Malaysia trip 2001
March 14: Wendsday: Mpls - Seattle - Tokyo
I leave Mpls at 10AM for Seattle where I catch a 747 for Tokyo
They are still doing repairs to the Airport after the earthquake.
March 15: Thursday: Tokyo - Singapore
We land at Tokyo Narita Airport about 4PM and have about 1 hour
layover before boarding the flight to Singapore.
Chinese Gardens
March 16: Friday Singapore
We arraive at 12:30AM to Changi Airport rated as the finest
Airport in the world, I dont disagee it is first class
They have fine chairs for waiting, they have wide isles
and plenty of space for people to meet. I take a taxi
to my hotel, it is the only option at 2AM and they over-charge me
I go to the Hotel Fragrance Ruby. In the morning I walk to the MRT
and take a train to the Kranji War Memorial. I than take the MRT to
the Chinese Garden and enjoy a walk around the park. On the way back
to the hotel I stop on Orchard Rd and visit the Hard Rock Cafe.
At the hotel I purchase air ticket on Silk Air for Phnom Penh
Batam Indonsia
March 17: Saturday: Singapore - Indonsia - Singapore
This morning I am taking a Day trip to the Island of Batam.
I was going to overnight but because my fight to Cambodia
leaves Sunday AM I will just spend the day. I take the MRT
downtown and a taxi to the World Trade Center. From there
there are all kinds of ferries. I catch the first one to Batam.
We pass the QE2 in is dock on the way over. It takes about 40 min
to cross to Waterfront port where I pass through Immigration.
Waterfront is a deserted resort area with most places closed.
I take a taxi to the other end of the island and the town of
Norgoro where I shop and have lunch. I take taxi back to Waterfront
and return to Singapore.
National Musuem Phnom Penh
Tuol Sleng S21 Death Camp Phnom Penh
Silver Pagoda
March 18: Sunday: Singapore - Phnom Penh Cambodia
My flight to Phnom Penh leaves at 8:40AM from Terminal2 with is even
more impressive than Terminal1. It take 2 hours and after purchasing a
Visa at the Airport I take A Motto Bike to City and the Hotel Indochina
across from the Tonle Sap River. After checking in I rent a driver and
motto and visit the city starting with the National Musuem and then
the Tuol Sleng S21 Death Camp which is a pretty somber place.
The displays are pretty terrifing. After lunch I than go to Wat Preah Keo
or the Silver Pagoda. The buildings are a real treasure and are very impressive
and comparable to some in Bangkok.
Shooting Range
March 19: Monday: Phnom Penh Cambodia
Today I have Mr Lee as my Moto driver who spent 20 years in the
army and now that there is peace he is a motto driver. They
attually make good money since the Per Capita Income is about $300USD
and they can make $10 a day. First I stop and cash some travelers
checks since I cannot even charge Airplane tickets on credit card and then
we stop at Laos Aviation and find it closed. We then go 20K out of town
to visit the Killing Field Memorial. The roads are rated as the worst in
the world and again I dont disagree, the are terrible. The Killing Fields
ia another very somber place where the show many mass graves and visit
the Memorial Stupa where they have 17 stories of bones including 8000
heads. Both my guide and motto driver tell me that there entire familys
were killed by the Khmer Rouge. Since the collape of the Khmer Rouge
and general amnisty given Peace has returned to Cambodia. Some people
describe the atmospere as like the wild west, well they have a lot of
catching up after 30 years. My next stop is the shooting range where
I fail my AK47 test exam. Next we return to town and stop by Laos
Aviation and obtain a ticket and leave my passport to obtain a Visa.
Phnom Penh: Stupa
Vientiane Laos: Mekong
March 20: Tuesday: Phnom Penh - Vientiane Laos
At 10:00AM I go back and pick up my Visa at Laos Aviation and
then I stop at Malasia Airlines and pick up my another ticket to
Kula Lampur which I will need later. At the airport I cannot find my flight
and it turns out it is attually on Vietnam Airlines which stops in Laos
an its way to Hanoi. It is a short flight and we arraive at very nice
and clean airport. I take a taxi into town and check into a hotel.
Toward evening I walk along the Mekong and watch the fisherman.
I find an excellent Indian place to eat which costed a total of $3USD.
Vientiane Laos: Phra That Luang
Vientiane Laos: Revolution Monument
Vientiane Laos: Buddist Park
Vientiane Laos: Buddist Park
March 21: Wendsday: Vientiane Laos
I hire a local Tuk driver and we visit the city, we visit many Wats's
one Wat had over 10,000 Buddha images. We visit the Revolution monument
and then we visit Phra That Luang a very impressive Supa and Laos
most famous mounument. I then visit the History Musuem (Foramlly the Revolution Musuem)
It was most interesting with many pictures and some good communist propaganda.
Next I travel 20K to the Buddist Park which is just past the Friendship bridge to
Thialand. There are many Buddist and Hindu statues here many quite strange.
I return to town and have another excellent Indian Dinner.
Siagon Airport, Vietnam
March 22: Thursday: Vientiane Laos - Siagon - Pheom Penh - Siem Reap
I get up early this morning to catch a flight back to Cambodia.
At 6;10 we leave on Laos Aviation ATR7 Turbo Prop for Phenom Penh via Siagon.
It is a short flight and we have about a 40 min layover to let passengers
get off and on. Siagon Airport still reminds me of the 70's with its old hangers.
We leave Siagon passing over the Mekong on the way to Pheom Penh.
At Pheom Penh I book a flight on Presidential Airlines for Siem Reap, it doesnt
leave until the afternoon so I take a Motto into town and have lunch. I return
to the airport and I am 1 of 3 passengers fon the Folker28 Jet. At Siem Reap there
is a taxi waiting to take me to my hotel, the Golden Angkor Hotel. I check in and
have dinner.
Angkor Phnom Kulen, Cambodia
Angkor , Cambodia
Angkor , Cambodia
Angkor Wat, Cambodia
March 23: Friday: Ankor Wat, Cambodia
Today I hire a Motto Driver for the whole day. We make 9 stops
Starting with the North Gate of Angkor Thom and the the central
square of Angkor Thom (Bayon) We the traveled 31K to Phnom kulen
it was a long way but the Wat was very impressive. We spent the rest of the
day visiting 7 more Wat's finishing with Angkor Wat. After going inside
I did manage to climb up top just to find out how bad it smells.
through many of the Wat's you will find Buddist Shrines and a monk
attending it. It is difficult to explain how impressive it all is and
how vast and detailed it all is. Come nightfull we return to the hotel.
March 24: Saturday: Siam Reap - Phnom Penh
Early in the morning I check out of my hotel and a pickup truck
picks me up and several other to take us to the ferry terminal
The roads are so bad it takes over 1 hour to travel the 7K.
When we get there we crowd onto a little boat and we snake through
the collection of fishing boats. It turns out this is just a shuttle
to the big boat. We tansfer to the Big Boat and we start our journey
across Tonle Sap lake. After about 30min we here a big bang and our boat stops,
we have broken our transmission. There is another boat ahead and it picks us up.
So we all crowd into one boat and off we go again. The lake is quite large and
takes quite a while to get across and then we continue down the river toward
Phnom Penh. It takes 6 hours to get there and I take a motto to the Indochina Hotel
for the night.
March 25: Sunday: Phnom Penh - Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
I leave Phnom Pehn at 11:10 on Malaysia Airlines 737-400. The flight takes 90Min
KL Airport is very modern and impressive but kind of a metalic look about it.
After immigration I take the shuttle bus into town, the Airport is a long ways out (50K).
I decide to stayt at the Hotel Furama on the edge of Chinatown. Chinatown is fasinating
with many small places to eat and a lot of hawker selling there wares most of which are
copies of originals, this includes watches and music and software CD's. It is a very
congested area.
Petronas Towers Kuala Lumur, Malaysia
March 26: Monday: Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Today I explore Kuala Lumpur, first I take the LRT to the end of the line and back.
I then stop at the Puduraya Bus Station and purchase a Bus Ticket to Singapore for tomorrow.
I then take a taxi to the Kuala Lumpur Tower the 4th tallest telecomunications tower in the
world where you can look down on the Petronas Towers the highest building (The Telcom Tower is on a hill)
you get a very good view from on top. I then walk to the Petronas Towers, you can only
take the observation elevator part way up so it is not worth it. I take a taxi back to the
Hotel and visit Chinatown again for something to eat and shopping.
March 27: Tuesday: Kuala Lumpur - Singapore
At 9AM I check out and walk the short distance to the Bus station. It is very busy
but I find my bus and we leave on time. It is very roomy and it is airconditioned.
It is a 6 hour journey and we for lunch along the way. We cross the Straits of Johor
and go through immigation on the Singapore side. I take a taxi from the bus stop
to my hotel. Toward dinner time I take the MRT and visit Little India and have dinner there.
March 28: Wednsday: Singapore
Today i catch Bus #2 and i go the Changi Prison Musuem
Which is next to the real prision. it is a tribute to the
WW2 Allied Prisoners who had to spend the war there, it is well done.
I next take the bus to the village of Changi a pleasent fishing village
where I had lunch and visited the park.
March 29: Thursday: Singapore - Tokyo - Minneapolis
At 4AM I check out of my hotel for the 6AM departure on NWA
for Tokyo, I have a 1 hour layover and I continue on the long
flight back to Minneapolis.