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01/12/2006: "Adventures in neuroscience"

music: NPR
mood: wary

I have to write this down in case I have to go to the doctor.

Mon 1/9/06 ~4:45 PM: Driving home. Had a crazy "dizzy spell" kind of thing.
Tue 1/10/06 ~5:00 AM: Woke up with a GIANT headache on the entire right side of my head. Not quite migraine-level, but darn close.
Tue 1/10/06 ~10:00 AM: Migraine at full force. Nausea too. The pain makes my right eye squint and water. Took 2 extra strength acetaminophen.
Tue 1/10/06 ~2:00 PM: The acetaminophen barely took the edge off. Took 2 Excedrin Tension Headache.
Tue 1/10/06 ~9:30 PM: Woke up after a 2 hour nap feeling fine. No headache at all.
Wed 1/11/06 ~6:00 AM: Woke up with same migraine. Same nausea, same squinty/watery eye. Took 3 asprin.
Wed 1/11/06 ~5:00 PM: Migraine vanishes suddenly.

So far so good today.

Thu 1/12/06 ~8:30 PM: Felt a headache returning again. Took two Excedrin Migraine.
Fri 1/13/06 ~6:00 AM: I can tell it's still sorta there, but there is no pain. It feels like the space between my brain and skull on the whole right side has been packed tight with cotton.