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02/10/2006: "It's Friday again"

music: none
mood: caffeinated

The Friday Five

1. Do you believe in God or a higher power?
I subscribe to "The All" theory of higher power. I believe that there is a higher power but we as humans cannot even begin to comprehend it so we break it down into various gods for digestion. I am Pagan, that is to say, polytheistic.

2. Are good and evil just concepts, or real powers in the universe?
I'm not sure good and evil have finite beginnings or ends, but I'm quite sure that there are an infinite shades of gray between them. It's also completely relative.

3. What is your view on forgiveness?
I don't think I've ever not forgiven someone for something. If you can't forgive, you will rot yourself from the inside.

4. Do organized religions do more harm than good?
I do think they do more harm than good. Organized religion does not encourage free thought, but rather squash it down. Groups of sheep-like people are extremely dangerous. Look at the Nazis.

5. If you had a day to spend playing God, what would you do?
Find a way to restore balance.


Friday Fiver

1. Can you dance?
Not especially.

2. Who is your current crush?
My husband, of course. Then there's Jessica Alba, but only when she's not blonde.

3. Tell us about a dream you remember.
See my blog entry from 2/8/06.

4. Do you live with anyone, or do you live by yourself?
I live with my husband, two dogs, two cats, and a parakeet.

5. When is the last time you bled from an injury?
Tuesday when I was tattooed.