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04/28/2006: "Friday crap"

mood: impatient for the day to be over

Friday Fiver

1. What's missing from your life?
Cheese. No wait -- pruning shears.

2. Do you like to get drunk?
Every once in a great while, usually when in Duluth with my parents.

3. Have you ever kissed a stranger?
Sort of. I knew him for about an hour and a half. Does that count? By the way, it was a bad kiss.

4. Do you smoke?

5. What makes you happy?
Thoughts of being a roller girl.


The Friday Five

1. Who was your first kiss (your mom does not count)?
My husband. It was the summer between 11th and 12th grade. We were sitting on a bench looking at Sunset Lake in the moonlight.

2. What is your idea of the perfect date?
Going to the zoo, then going out for burgers, then taking a long moonlight walk.

3. What music needs to be on when you are “getting your thang on”?
None, thanks.

4. What is the most amazing experience you’ve ever shared with a partner?
I'll have to think about that one.

5. Sex is best saved for: love, marriage, alcohol, days that end in “y”?
As long as you're safe, emotionally capable, and old enough (preferably 18), rock on.



1. What do you fear the most? Is it a rational fear?

SPIDERS. I think it's rational because, I mean, really, look at those things. All of those little legs moving at the same time.... I'm also phobic about being stuck in a hot car.

2. What to-many-people-scary thing are you totally unafraid of? (i.e., bees, snakes, spiders, Dubya...)

I'm cool with snakes.

3. Do you intentionally do things that you find scary?

No, I'm a bit of a wuss.

4. How do you cope with fear?

I usually freeze up.

5. What's the scariest thing you've ever done/been involved in?

I'm sure I've blocked it out of my mind, whatever it was.