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12/14/2006: "Religion, the saving of"
music: variousmood: headachey
Good editorial by Jay Bakker and Marc Brown over at CNN:
What The Hell Happened To Christianity?
I agree 100% with these guys. This is the side of Christianity that seems to have been shoved into a dirty little corner. Why? Money and politics, I suppose.
I don't have a problem with Christianity on a grand scale. Jesus had some pretty great ideas about how to live your life. Christians who want to try to emulate him are fantastic people.
It's the Christians who try to emulate the Church (that cold, hateful institution) that I have a problem with. I still don't think that large groups of people being forced to obey a small group of people is ever a good idea -- in religion or politics. Just a few silver-tongued backwards people can somehow convince a mob of thousands that hate and discrimination is, in fact, an OK thing to do. Obviously, this goes for any organized religion.
I'd like to think that there are more Christians like Jay Bakker and Marc Brown out there. I wish you folks would stand up to the closed-minded conservatives once and for all before something really stupid happens in this country.
Might I offer some suggestions to conservatives with time on their hands and hate on their brains?