Friday, March 31st

This is how I roll

music: Rocket From The Crypt - Basturds
mood: excited

roll (112k image)

PikaPikaChick on 03.31.06 @ 01:28 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

Downright creepy

music: Boot Stamping on a Human Face Forever - Bad Religion
mood: Tired and sore

Here's the deal with this one: take your favorite media player, put your MP3s in a random playlist, and answer the questions with the songs in the order they appear.

A few of these don't make any sense at all but others are extremely appropriate...
PikaPikaChick on 03.31.06 @ 07:51 AM CST [more..] [No Comments]

Monday, March 27th


music: none
mood: WTF

Several times a year I get this wild hair to go back to school. Then I snap out of it and come back down to the real world.

This time, though, I'm thinking more seriously about it. The thing is, it wouldn't make any sense.

What do I want to go back to school for? Is it microbiology, like in my childhood dreams? Is it animal science, so I could work at a zoo? Is it computer science, to further my current career?

No, no, and no.

I want a master's degree in comparative religion.

And what, you may be asking, does a person do with a master's degree in comparative religion?

Not a damn thing. At least from what I can tell. They may write books. They may become a college professor and teach other comparative religion students. It's just like getting a degree in art history or philosophy, and just as practical.

But I craaaaaave this stuff. Somewhere along the line of my life I'm going to have to drop this need to be practical and fruegal and efficient ALL THE TIME and follow my dreams.

Eh... after I win the lottery.
PikaPikaChick on 03.27.06 @ 03:54 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

Saturday, March 25th

Yeah baby I'm in it deep now

music: Beatles - Good Morning Good Morning
mood: kickass

  • is more or less up and running.
  • FSB #002 is up.
  • I just ordered my quad skates.

    Oh yeah.
    PikaPikaChick on 03.25.06 @ 03:14 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

  • Friday, March 24th

    Friday again

    music: whatever mid-tempo alt girl rock this coffee shop is playing right now
    mood: frustrated

    Friday Five

    1) Of the various cultures, ethnicities or nationalities you belong to, which most strongly do you consider yourself?

    I'm 50% Korean and 50% Caucasian. I can't claim one over the other; that just doesn't make sense. It's a point of frustration on those "check one" equal opportunity forms you have to fill out when you apply for a job.

    2) Is there a culture you cannot claim heritage from but which you feel quite close to?

    Pacific Islander. I'm meant to live on a tropical island.

    3) What's one language you wish you knew fluently?


    4) If you could move anywhere in the world and be guaranteed a job, etc., where would you go?

    Guam. I've been over this before.

    5) If you had a time machine, and could witness any one event without altering or disturbing it, what would you want to see?

    The exact moment of the Buddha's enlightenment.


    Friday Fiver

    1. When is the last time you became unraveled?

    Today. In a courtroom. On the inside.

    2. What's the longest trip you've taken?

    My family went to South Korea in 1987. I think the plane ride was around 20 hours.

    3. Who is the biggest distraction in your life?


    4. Do people notice you when you walk into a room?

    Probably, but not for any good reason. No, I'm probably just paranoid.

    5. Describe the last time you disappointed someone:

    It probably happens every day at work.


    Alt Friday Five

    1. Have you ever volunteered or would you volunteer for military service? Why or why not?

    Hell fuck no. Because I'm a pacifist. There is no reason for war.

    2. What would you do if you were drafted? Why?

    If my escape to Canada didn't work out I would be a conscientious objector.

    3. If you did join the armed forces, which branch would you want to join? What sort of position would you want to hold?

    I would like to be a Navy Pilot, I guess.

    4. Does your country have mandatory military service? What is your opinion of mandatory service?

    No. I am vehemently against it.

    5. Are any of your friends or family in the armed forces? How do you feel about that (proud, scared, indifferent, etc.)?

    My dad was in the Army and National Guard. My grandpa was in the National Guard. My great uncle was in the Marines. I am indifferent to their life choices.
    PikaPikaChick on 03.24.06 @ 03:02 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

    Wednesday, March 22nd

    Creeping ever closer

    music: Operation Ivy - Take Warning
    mood: hungry is officially up and running.

    Semi-officially anyway.

    I'm delving into Wordpress for the first time. I skimmed over some articles on creating themes last night and I'm going to give it a whirl tonight.

    As of now I have used Greymatter, Movable Type, Blogger, LiveJournal, and Wordpress. I have to say that at first glance I'm most impressed by Wordpress. I don't currently have plans to convert anytime soon. Greymatter gets the job done just fine here. I'm also going to be doing a self-inflicted crash course in CSS. I've dabbled before, but I'm still a plain vanilla HTML kinda girl.

    I am now on the MN RollerGirls recruit mailing list thanks to the super-fabulous Pain Gretzky of the Rockits. Tryouts are in late July/early August. My heart is a-quiver. I'll be buying skates this weekend.
    PikaPikaChick on 03.22.06 @ 12:16 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

    Making my day

    music: none
    mood: amused

    I started off the morning not feeling good at all. But ever since I got to work I've been cracking up so much I had to close my office door. Here's a few giggly bits to brighten your day:

  • This brilliant bit of animation, courtesy of John K

  • The last paragraph of this post at The Consumerist, which should be in your daily blog reading rotation if it isn't already

  • This clip from QVC, also from The Consumerist
    PikaPikaChick on 03.22.06 @ 08:40 AM CST [link] [No Comments]

  • Monday, March 20th

    Pounding the digital

    music: none
    mood: good

    Frontside Bus 002 is coming along nicely. I've got one more panel to finish up before I put the dialogue in.

    I just purchased web space at Cyberwurx.

    PikaPikaChick on 03.20.06 @ 09:02 PM CST [link] [No Comments]


    music: Rocket From the Crypt - Burnt Alive
    mood: cranky

    This is my first ear infection so I am particularly whiny right now.

    The pain. The paaaaaiiiinnnnn.

    I'm currently slamming Excedrin, Tylenol, or whatever I can get my hands on, every few hours. I'll be happy if I have any stomach lining left after this ordeal.

    Yesterday we were eating breakfast and the pain froze me and actually brought tears to my eyes. The poor waitress probably thought I was having a stroke.

    I'm used to pain. I'm in pain all the damn time. That's just part of living life with IBS. But this is ridiculous.

    I've been on antibiotics since last week. Shouldn't this be going away by now?

    I won't let this deter me from working on Frontside Bus. I promise.

    Also: MN Rollergirls have a bout this Friday. Come on down and say hi! I'll be volunteering again.
    PikaPikaChick on 03.20.06 @ 12:45 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

    Sunday, March 19th


    music: none
    mood: refreshed

    I want to thank everyone for their kind words about Frontside Bus. I will be getting some web space early this week and hopefully I'll have #002 up by the weekend.
    PikaPikaChick on 03.19.06 @ 09:37 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

    Thursday, March 16th


    music: Pixies - Gigantic
    mood: ow

    It's my birthday. Yay me.

    I have an ear/sinus infection. I can't tell if it's that, the amoxycillin, or the alcohol I consumed last night that is making me feel so horrible right now. I'm cranky.

    By the way, if you value your sanity and your ability to be a productive member of society, don't buy Guitar Hero. It will turn you into another addict, unwashed and shaking in front of your TV as you curse the PS2 load time as yet another obsticle keeping you from your next fix, same as that damn job, family, and basic human bodily functions.

    We're going to need to buy a Power Cop for ourselves.

    Speaking of which, I gotta go. I'm going to nail More Than A Feeling this time, I know it.
    PikaPikaChick on 03.16.06 @ 02:39 PM CST [link]

    Wednesday, March 15th

    Guitar Hero

    music: none
    mood: chipper

    Dan bought Guitar Hero last night.

    I know what we'll be doing for the next few months.
    PikaPikaChick on 03.15.06 @ 11:35 AM CST [link]

    Sunday, March 12th

    Poorly-drawn teaser

    music: none
    mood: ambitious

    001 (135k image)

    Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
    PikaPikaChick on 03.12.06 @ 09:21 PM CST [link]

    Thursday, March 9th


    music: Tiger Army - The Long Road
    mood: full and sleepy

    So I just got back from the data center where my two co-workers and I were nerding out over the brand new IBM blade servers that just arrived. The hard drives look like laptop drives with SCSI connectors. The boards have four heatsinks. Each blade will be running four processors. Each blade will probably be running VMWare and function as 3-4 separate servers.

    I love this cutting edge stuff.
    PikaPikaChick on 03.09.06 @ 02:21 PM CST [link]

    I knew it was coming, but...

    music: Phil Collins - A Groovy Kind of Love
    mood: shocked

    Wild trade Roloson to Oilers
    PikaPikaChick on 03.09.06 @ 08:06 AM CST [link]

    Tuesday, March 7th

    I drew these retarded things

    music: none
    mood: arty

    060228-ink (102k image)

    I started inking this one. Didn't get very far. I think I'll abandon the drawing.

    060307-kim (42k image)

    This is Kim. Kim hates you.

    060307-violet (53k image)

    This is Violet. She's just how you'd expect her to be.

    I better go grab my domain name before it's gone.
    PikaPikaChick on 03.07.06 @ 08:11 PM CST [link]

    It just really sunk in today

    music: Chicago - Saturday in the Park
    mood: sad

    RIP Kirby Puckett

    Thanks for the memories.
    PikaPikaChick on 03.07.06 @ 10:26 AM CST [link]

    Friday, March 3rd


    music: System of a Down - Soldier Side
    mood: stressed

    I've been posting infrequently lately because I've been so stressed out. A lot of it is being overworked at work. More of it comes from this legal battle I'm embarking upon. I'll explain it all after my court date on the 24th. I know it's naive, but I really didn't expect a simple matter would be so insanely difficult to fix.



    Anyway, I didn't get a chance to ink my last retarded thing. I started inking the face last night but had to stop because we went bowling at our friendly neighborhood ghetto alley, Nokomis Lanes. The service isn't that great and the lanes themselves are just barely over paper-and-golf-pencil age, but they've got a full bar.

    I'll be going to Duluth this weekend to hang out at the Moose Lodge in Two Harbors with my family. I'm going to try to do a little hiking if it's not too cold.
    PikaPikaChick on 03.03.06 @ 09:48 AM CST [link]

    I'm going to be sick

    music: none
    mood: foul

    Some backwards pigfuck murders a gay man by blocking attempts at CPR

    ...words fail me.
    PikaPikaChick on 03.03.06 @ 08:16 AM CST [link]