Friday, September 22nd

Now here's something I can get behind.

The Friday Five

Given a choice, and imagining that money and time were no object, would you rather cook dinner, eat out or order in?
I would much rather cook dinner. From scratch. Using whole, organic ingredients.

What is the most elaborate meal you've ever prepared yourself or purchased at a restaurant?
I've had teppanyaki a few times, which is pretty elaborate. I have also cooked my fair share of Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. I've had a small hand in frying a couple of turkeys, too.

What food do you find yourself making and/or eating way too much?

Ramen. Really, there's no reason for it other than nostalgia.

What was your most disastrous cooking/eating out experience?

The St. Patrick's day where we were were woefully underprepared for company. We went to the parade in St. Paul, got real drunk at The Liffey afterwards, and didn't get the corned beef in the crock pot in time. Everything else turned out well, but we had to try and cook the roast in the oven and it didn't have that succulent falling-apart quality that it should of had.

Would you rather cook for someone else or have them cook for you?

My favorite thing in the whole world is cooking for a crowd.


I really would like to go to culinary school but can't afford it. Besides, I would probably have to start out making minimum wage in some crappy kitchen to gain experience for several years before I'd be able to do what I really want to do, which is be a private chef or caterer. After living on an IT wage for so long and with the possibility of breeding in the near future it would be impossible to change direction now.
PikaPikaChick on 09.22.06 @ 08:17 AM CST [link] [No Comments]

Thursday, September 21st


music: Malkit Singh - Jago Aaya
mood: amused

I know I'm late on this, but AHH HA HA HA HAHA!
PikaPikaChick on 09.21.06 @ 07:15 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

Monday, September 18th

Tomorrow (September 19) is Talk Like A Pirate Day

music: none
mood: procrastinaty

My pirate name is:

Mad Jenny Bonney

Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr!

Get your own pirate name from
part of the network

PikaPikaChick on 09.18.06 @ 10:28 AM CST [Talk Like A Pirate Day">link] [No Comments]

Wednesday, September 13th

PMS Cravings thus far this week

music: Nekromantix: Moon Chaser
mood: discombobulated

Chocolate chip cookies
Chocolate anything
Those little mints you always get at weddings
PikaPikaChick on 09.13.06 @ 03:24 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

Friday, September 1st

It's another long survey

music: TV - History Channel
mood: creative

Here's a blank survey. You're welcome.

Long Survey

The Opposite Sex.
1. Guitar or Drum Player: Guitar
2. Skater or Surfer: Skater
3. Brown or Blue Eyes: Blue
4. Blonde or Brunette: Brunette
5. Brains or Looks: Brains

11. Hamburger or Hotdog: Hamburger
12. Pie or Cake: Pie
13. Apple or Banana: Apple
14. Coke or Pepsi: neither
15. Chicken or Beef: Beef
16. Oreos or Chips Ahoy: Oreos
17. regular or chocolate milk: Chocolate
18. Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
19. Strawberry or Cherry: Cherry
20. Watermelon or Cantaloupe: Watermelon (Cantaloupe is vile.)
21. Potato salad or Macaroni Salad: Macaroni salad
22. Wheat or White: wheat
23. Tic Tacs or Candy: Candy
24. Sausage or Bacon: Sausage
25. Sour Cream and Onion or BBQ: BBQ

26. Baseball or football:
27. Swim or Track: Track
28. Tennis or Golf: Tennis
29. Skiing or Sledding: Sledding
30. Bicycling or Jogging: Bicycling
31. McDonalds or Burger King: Burger King
32. JC Penny's or Sears: Sears
33. Walmart or Target: Target
34. Trophy's or TGI Fridays: TGI Fridays (we don't have Trophy's in MN)

36. Pants or Shorts: Shorts
36. Zip-Up or Pull-Over: Zip-up
39. Mittens or Gloves: Mittens
40. Print or Solid: Solid

42. Jessica or Jennifer: Heee...going to have to go with Jennifer
43. Aaron or Erin: Erin
44. Carie or Kari: Carie
45. Todd or Tom: Tom
47. Sarah or Susie: Susie
48. Jack or John: Jack
49. Lisa or Linda: Lisa
50. Mike or Nick: Mike

51. Punk or Rock: Punk
52. Pop or Alternative: Alternative
53. Rap or Techno: Techno
54. Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera: umm...
56. Korn or Disturbed: err...
57. Limp Bizkit or Linkin Park: no...
58. Something Corporate or Jack's Mannequin: who...?
59. Guitar or Drums: Guitar
60. Piano or Violin: Violin

61. Dawson's Creek or 7th Heaven: no thanks.
62. Angel or Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Probably Buffy
63. Law and Order or The Practice: Law and Order
64. One Tree Hill or The OC: uh, no.
65. Smallville or Charmed: Charmed? Maybe?
66. Bruce Willis or Bruce Lee: Lee
67. No 67!
68. Aladdin or Lion King: Lion King
69. Snow White or Sleeping Beauty: Snow White
70. Comedy or Drama: Comedy
71. Horror or Science Fiction: Sci fi

Computer/Video Games.
76. AOL or MSN: MSN...I guess.
77. Dogpile or Google: Google
78. Mac or PC: PC
79. PS2 or N64: PS2
80. Mario Brothers or Zelda: Zelda

81. Pen or Pencil: Pencil
82. English or History: English
83. Math or Science: Science
84. Home Economics or Woodshop: Home Ec
85. Backpack or Messenger Bag: Backpack

86. Cat or Dog: both
87. Fish or Hamster: Fish. Hamsters are evil.
88. Tiger or Lion: Lion
89. Butterfly or Ladybug: Butterfly
90. Seals or Otters: Otters

I am...
[ ] Single
[x] Taken
[ ]Confused
[ ] Happy
[x] Mixed feelings
[x] Like someone(s)
[ ] Sad
[ ] Angry
[ ] Lonely
[x] A meat-eater
[x] A vegetarian
[ ] Crying
[x] Tired
[ ] Age 1 - 12
[ ] Age 13 - 19
[x] Age 20 - 30
[ ] Age 31 - 50
[ ] Age 51 - 80
[ ]Older than 80.

Currently I'm...
[x] Alone
[ ] With another person
[ ] With a group of people
[ ] In pajamas
[ ] Naked
[x] Dressed comfortably
[x] In my clothes from today
[ ] Listening to music
[x] Watching TV

I own...

[x] A laptop
[x] A stereo
[ ] An MP3 player/iPod
[ ] An inflatable chair
[ ] A bean bag chair
[x] A lava lamp
[ ] A black light
[x] An automobile
[ ] A musical instrument
[x] A CD player
[x] Over 100 CDs

I have...

[x] Glasses
[x] Contacts
[x] Pierced ear(s)
[x] Other piercing(s)
[x] Tattoo(s)
[x] Scars from accidental injuries
[x] Scars from other injuries
[ ] Missing teeth
[ ] A broken body part

I've physically met...

[ ] A celebrity
[ ] A poor person
[ ] The president
[ ] Family I never knew existed
[x] Someone from another state
[ ] Someone EXACTLY like me in personality
[ ] Someone EXACTLY like me in looks

I have been...

[ ] Legally dead
[x] Engaged
[x] Married
[ ] Divorced
[x] In a car accident
[ ] Arrested
[ ] Questioned by police

All about me from A-Z.
A - AVAILABLE?: married.
B - BEST - I wouldn't say that.
D - DOGS NAME(S)?: Bindi, Makinen
I - INSTRUMENT?: french horn
J - JUICE?: Juicy Juice fruit punch
K - KIND OF MUSIC?: punk rock
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE?: Down I-35 down to Laredo, Mexico
M - MILK FLAVOR?: plain soymilk
O - ONE WISH?: prosperity
P - PHOBIA/FEARS?: spiders, insects, hot cars
Q - FAVORITE QUOTE?: "The poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese." G.K. Chesterton
R - REASON TO SMILE?: My little family
U - UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME?: I wanted to be a microbiologist.
V - VEGETABLE YOU DON'T LIKE?: most mushrooms
W - WORST HABIT?: daydreaming
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD?: teeth, chest, wrist, leg

[ ] Afraid of the quiet
[x] i am really ticklish
[ ] I'm afraid of the dark
[x] im afraid of facing my back to open doors at night.
[x] believe in true love
[ ] I've run away from home.
[x] I collect comic books.
[x] I shut others out when I'm sad.
[x] I've stayed out all night.
[ ] I open up to others easily.
[ ] I am keeping a secret from the world.
[x] I watch the news.
[x] I love Disney movies.
[ ] I am a sucker for pretty eyes.
[x] I don't kill bugs...
[x] I curse once in a while.
[x] I curse too much.
[ ] I have (had) "x"s in my screen name.
[x] I've slipped and fell in public
[ ] I've slipped out a "lol" in a real conversation.
[ ] I love Spam.
[x] I bake well.
[x] I have worn pajamas to class.
[ ] I have owned something from Abercrombie.
[x] I have talked on a phone for 3 hours or more
[ ] I love Dr. Phil
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
[x] I am self-conscious
[x] I love to laugh.
[ ] I drink alcohol on a regular basis.
[x] I loved Lord of the Flies.
[ ] I have cough drops when I'm not sick.
[ ] I can't swallow pills
[x] I have a few scars
[x] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room
[x] I love chocolate.
[x] I love spaghetti
[x] I bite my nails.
[x] I play computer games when I'm bored.
[x] I cry sometimes for no reason
[x] Gotten lost in the city
[x] Seen a shooting star
[ ] Had a serious injury

PikaPikaChick on 09.01.06 @ 09:51 PM CST [link] [No Comments]

I'm tired, so here is your moment of zen

music: none
mood: tired

You'll need sound for this one.
PikaPikaChick on 09.01.06 @ 07:48 AM CST [link] [No Comments]