Friday, September 28th

Conversations with no context

music: All The Way Rider
mood: ow

"If they can make a telescoping flugelhorn, they can make a telescoping didgeridoo!"
PikaPikaChick on 09.28.07 @ 10:56 AM CST [link]

Friday Fiver

music: Rancid - Back Up Against The Wall
mood: blah

1. Do you dance?

2. Would you consider yourself religious?
No. "Mildly spiritual," I guess would be more appropriate. I still can't get with that whole monotheistic thing though.

3. Do you talk about politics?
A bit. Do you know how close to a fascist state the US is right now?

4. When is the last time you asked for forgiveness?
I have no idea.

5. Friday fill-in:
I’m holding out for ___.
PikaPikaChick on 09.28.07 @ 07:43 AM CST [Friday Fiver">link]

Tuesday, September 25th

As if we needed more evidence of a police state

mood: disgusted

This site makes me ill.
PikaPikaChick on 09.25.07 @ 01:20 PM CST [link]

Sunday, September 23rd

Have to write now

music: MJ
mood: introspective...or something

I'm getting old.

Ever since watching What the Bleep - Down the Rabbit Hole I've made a point of "creating my day." Basically you take some time in the morning and meditate or use an affirmation to set the tone of the day. I even have an RSS subscription to the Think Positive! Blog and I write my daily affirmation on a piece of paper that I put on my desk where I can see it throughout the day.

I feel silly but goddamn if it doesn't actually work.

I've felt that old depression trying to come back into my brain lately and this, along with taking my children's chewable vitamin and getting some sun each day, has really been keeping it at bay. I've really got to get a new full spectrum bulb form my lamp before SAD kicks in.

I've also been exercising like crazy. I need to get faster and stronger this derby season. I'm already feeling the results. YouTube is AWESOME for exercise videos, by the way. I did a 10 minute arm workout the other day that kicked my ass.

I don't know how to feel about the Jena 6 situation. It's like a fever breaking on a much larger illness. It makes me sad.

Another thing that makes me sad: using the word "gay" as an insult.
PikaPikaChick on 09.23.07 @ 03:26 PM CST [link]

Thursday, September 20th

Writer's block

music: Steely Dan
mood: amused

I should have something more interesting to say here soon.

Until then, I leave you with this:

Don't tase me, bro!

PikaPikaChick on 09.20.07 @ 09:59 AM CST [link]

Sunday, September 16th

What else am I going to do at 2:30 AM?

music: MJ
mood: nostalgic

I'm coming out of the closet tonight.

I'm a Michael Jackson fan.

There, I said it.

I do feel like I need to qualify that, however. I'm a fan of MJ's music. Not the guy.

Come on now. Admit it. You love it too.

And my personal favorite:

PikaPikaChick on 09.16.07 @ 03:09 AM CST [link]

Friday, September 14th

Things learned in the last 24 hours

music: Michael Jackson - Wanna Be Startin' Something
mood: pain

Not very much fun: groin strain
Not very smart: walking three buildings over (=about 42 skyways) for lunch with a groin strain

PikaPikaChick on 09.14.07 @ 02:07 PM CST [link]

Very interesting...

music: CSN
mood: thoughtful

1. Go to
2. Put in Username: nycareers, Password: landmark.
3. Take their "Career Matchmaker" questions.
4. Post the top ten results

Here's my first crack at it. With the exception of #5 (SERIOUSLY?!) and #3 (ew), most of these are actually things I've considered doing. Love #1, #2, and #4. Interesting to note that my actual career is nowhere on this list.

1 Baker
2 Chef
3 Butcher
4 Cook
5 Taxidermist
6 Optical / Ophthalmic Lab Technician
7 Veterinary Technician
8 Massage Therapist
9 Nuclear Medicine Technologist
10 Industrial Designer
11 Automotive Painter
12 Medical Imaging Tech
13 Welder
14 Tilesetter
15 Tailor / Dressmaker
16 Electroneurodiagnostic Tech
17 Cardiovascular Tech
18 Boilermaker
19 Sign Maker
20 Family and Consumer Scientist
21 Dietitian
22 Power Plant Operator
23 Fashion Designer
24 Security Systems Technician
25 Zoologist
26 Interior Designer
27 Pet Groomer
28 Cabinetmaker
29 Plumber
30 Autobody Repairer
31 Electrician
32 Gunsmith
33 Electronics Assembler
34 Dental Lab Tech
35 Race Car Mechanic
36 Appliance Repairer
37 Diesel Mechanic
38 Automobile Mechanic
39 Motorcycle Mechanic
40 Aircraft Mechanic


Here's my second go. It's quite a departure from the first time around.

1 Artist - sure, why not
2 Locksmith - lots of good stories there, I'm sure
3 Massage Therapist - can't due to arthritis and the squick of touching strangers
4 Furniture Finisher - this sounds mind-numbingly boring
5 Biological Tech - yeah!
6 Pet Groomer - fun, but pays crap
7 Zoologist - ah, the old standby
8 Bicycle Mechanic - uhhh... okay
9 Small Engine Mechanic - yes!
10 Family and Consumer Scientist - do what now?
29 Computer Support Person - lookie here, it's my real job coming in at #29!


Third time, supposedly the most accurate.

1 Artist
2 Locksmith
3 Massage Therapist
4 Furniture Finisher
5 Video Game Developer - sure, if the industry didn't treat them like dirt
6 Biological Tech
7 Pet Groomer
8 Zoologist
9 Bicycle Mechanic
10 Small Engine Mechanic
11 Family and Consumer Scientist
12 Office Machine Repairer - booooring
13 Film Processor - booooring
14 Chef - yay! But only #14?
15 Avionics Tech - fiddly bits can be fun
16 Industrial Machinery Mechanic - sounds heavy
17 Website Designer - no thank you
18 Millwright - wha?
19 Appliance Repairer - no thank you
20 Miner (Underground) - NO ABSOLUTELY NOT
21 Biologist - kind of a wide field
22 Fast Food Worker - WHAT? I like to cook, not reheat pseudo food.
23 Dietitian - I actually considered this last year but found out that the pay is worse than retail
24 Housekeeper - sure, I'd do it.
25 Nuclear Medicine Technologist - wow... that sounds interesting
26 Cook - yay!
27 Computer Support Person - it's my job again!
28 Hairstylist - ew, no
29 Elevator Installer and Repairer - that sounds tedious
30 Esthetician - eww... plucking eyebrows and popping pimples doesn't appeal to me at all
31 Web Developer - again, no
32 Librarian - too much school, not enough money
33 Medical Imaging Tech - whee, x-rays and ultrasounds
34 Brewmaster - HELL YEAH bring it on!
35 Microbiologist - it's my first ever dream job! I still wouldn't mind this.
36 Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner - ew, NO!
37 Computer Programmer - eh, maybe someday
38 Pharmacist - that would be great
39 Kinesiologist - interesting, but not that interesting
40 Tilesetter - might be fun, but only if it was kicked up a few artistic notches

PikaPikaChick on 09.14.07 @ 07:59 AM CST [link]

Thursday, September 13th

Iraq Troops’ lives are just a game to be "played" by Bush

music: Rocket From The Crypt
mood: horrified

Bush caught lying...again. This time about why he's going to bring some troops home.

"I'm playing for October-November," Mr. Bush said to Draper. That, evidently, is the time during which, he thinks he can sell us the real plan, which is "to get us in a position where the presidential candidates will be comfortable about sustaining a presence."

Comfortable, that is, with saying about Iraq, again quoting the President, "stay ... longer."

Playing? Playing?!
PikaPikaChick on 09.13.07 @ 09:20 AM CST [link]

Tuesday, September 11th

Seeing red

music: Lily Allen
mood: so....angry....

Utah Schools Will Not Observe 9/11 Anniversary.

...for fear that some of the older children will have, you know, actual feelings about the subject and the younger ones who don't remember it will actually - get this - learn something?


Oh but never fear, a military automaton will be on hand to be sure these kids get some good ol' fashioned propaganda instead.

This is an absolute disgrace of the Utah "educational" system and I'm embarrassed to be sharing the same continent with these fools.

What else isn't included in the Utah curriculum? The US Civil War? The Holocaust? Pearl Harbor? How can they possibly expect these kids to grow up with enough coping skills to get through the tragedies average workday, let alone the next disaster that comes along?
PikaPikaChick on 09.11.07 @ 08:39 AM CST [link]