The Scalemasters contest is now over. Doug Cromley, who came up from Wichita KS in his motor home, flew a very nice Super Cub and a Storch. He says he is making plans to come again next year. Jerry Cornish and Mike Davis flew Stearman biplanes. Mike Dorff flew his S.E.5, Eric Malkerson flew a Ki-55, and Brannon Schwab flew a Fokker triplane. John Baligrodzki flew a D8 and Stan Zdon flew his Cub.
The weather was a cool 730 and the winds were light to start with, but it did turn windy and rainy later on. I do think some people stayed away because of the forecast of rain. Thanks to Andy and Kevin for cooking. Mike brought out the pop, so we didn't go hungry.
Show up for the Aug Fun fly. Be there or be Square. Sept 8th is the electric fly. Get things charged and be there. We will need someone to cook, so call me and let me know if you can do the cooking. 651-261-1048.
If you are flying and you notice that there are little circles above your plane, don't worry. They are not space aliens. They are wheels and you are flying INVERTED.
Have Fun - Fly Safely Al The Prez