MAY 2007                                        3                           SERVO CHATTER


     The meeting this month will be AT THE FIELD.  The starting time is 7:00PM and if you get there early you can get in some flying before the meeting.  Remember that you should be using your current membership card to mark your channel and guests should be using their AMA card to verify their AMA membership.

     ACRC members should remember and follow the safety rules.  We all have mental lapses from time to time so gently remind others when you see them having a SENIOR MOMENT.  Starting engines with the plane faced other than toward the runway and full RPM run-ups in the pits seem to be the most frequent violations of club rules.  If you just visualize where the prop blades will go if the blades break off it will help you remember why the club has these rules.  The plane should be started in the pit area and moved to the run-up area for the high RPM run-up.  The flight stations are close enough so pilots can communicate their intentions concerning take-off, landings, etc.  Be sure to let other pilots know what you are going to do.  Shout out "coming out", "taking-off", "landing", "on the field" etc.  Remember, if the wind is from the north, you should be flying from the 5 stations by the south half of the runway and vice-versa.

      The ACRC Pattern Contest will be June 9 with Brian Dorff as the CD.  The classes being flown are Sportsman, Intermediate, Advanced and Masters.  The pattern maneuvers are listed in the Competition Regulations from the AMA.  They are on the AMA website -  Everyone will be flying new maneuvers this year so get out and practice.  The ACRC Fun-Scale Contest will be on July 15.  Matt Campson will be the CD for this contest.  Get your scale airplanes ready and practice some scale maneuvers.  There will be trophies for Novice and Expert classes and a good selection of prizes.  The Scalemasters scale contest will be held at the ACRC field on August 4.  John Baligrodzki from the Scale Fliers will be the CD.  ACRC will be handling the concessions at this contest.

     THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE AT THE FIELD ON MAY 17 AT 7:00 PM.  The summer meetings will be at the field until August.  There will be a fun-fly on Saturday May 19 at 10:00AM and the ACRC Fly-In is on Sunday, May 20.

                                                                Stan Zdon


     Some of the members are continually griping when they are at the field or at the meeting and most members realize the atmosphere would improve if that griping would stop.  Because of this we are issuing a NPR (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking) that would address the problem that some members have with PMS (Piss and Moan Syndrome).

     NPR-001, proposing a rule designated the NGR (No Griping Rule), would address the problem that some members have with PMS.  The NGR would have two main sections.  The first section would specify how many gripes were allowed per day at the field or at a meeting.  Since the flying field visit is supposed to be an enjoyable time for all members, the gripe limit would be set at one (1).  At the meeting gripes would be limited to two (2) unless the topic is brought up in the business part of the meeting.  The limit during the business portion of the meeting will be four (4).  If you have more than four gripes, they will have to be saved for the next meeting.  All club members will be responsible for enforcing this rule by giving gentle reminders to those who continually suffer from PMS.  The second section of the rule would include a CGA (Continual Griping Assessment) of $5.00.  If a member continues to gripe after being reminded that he or she is breaking the NGR because of their PMS, the CGA will be added to their following years dues.  Hopefully this will be enough incentive to get some individuals to change their behavior or get treated for their PMS.  On the other hand, if they continue to violate the NGR, ACRC may not need a dues increase in the foreseeable future.

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