Meeting Minutes December 21, 2006
Meeting called to order at 7 P.M. 14 members present.
Board Reports:
* Vice President: Andy Noll reviewed the raffle prize for the meeting. This month it is a Hanger 9 T-34 Mentor 40.
* Membership: Stan Zdon reports that the club already has about 30 renewals for 2007.
Old Business:
The safety fence was again discussed There was some discussion about: 1) Repairing what is already out there. 2) Implementing a wooden and chain link fence like the one in the pictures of another club. 3) Tim Karash offered a plan with individual pilot stations. 4) Al & Stan offered an alternative idea of a 20 - 24 inch high fence with expanded walk throughs which would also be reinforced so planes couldn't get through the bottom. There will be an official vote at the February meeting. E-mail Stan or Al if you are going to be out of town and want to be heard.
There was also discussion regarding the need not to allow any taxing behind the flight stations. Stan drew a detailed diagram on the board to illustrate. There is also a need to set up some sort of line in the pits.
Show and Tell:
Ray Jelinek brought in parts from a Wings Manufacturing B-17 short kit he is now building. This kit features foam wings and laser cut formers for the fuselage. Ray had the fuselage framed up and also the stab that was nicely covered in balsa. The wingspan will be 8 feet and the fuselage 5' 4" in length. Ray plans to use (4) 40 size four stroke engines. We will be anxious to see his progress.
Raffle: 1st: Al Spearbecker Hanger 9 T-34 Mentor
Steve Ulrich