Meeting Minutes
July 19, 2007
Meeting called to order at 7 P.M. 28 members present.
Visitors: 2
Board Reports:
* Vice President: Andy reviewed the evenings raffle prizes that included a World Models CAP232.
* Safety: Kevin reminded us to accept friendly safety warnings and not get upset. There have been no reported injuries so far at the field this year.
* Membership: Stan reports 4 new members since last month.
* Events: Bob reminded us that the Fun Fly would be this coming Saturday. Trim flights start at 9 AM and the contest begins at 10 AM sharp. There will be three events. Fly whatever you bring.
Old Business:
* August 4 will be the Scale Fliers event - Minnesota Scale Classic. There will be four classes from Novice to Expert. Registration starts at 8 AM and the contest commences at 9 AM. There is no entry fee.
New business:
* Wednesday, July 25 is the Float Fly at Long Lake. It will begin at 2 PM
Show and Tell:
* Don McGillivray brought in a ducted fan which was built from a Micro Flight plan. It has a GWS 300 motor, Castle Creations ESC and 900 MA 3 cell Lipo for power. The original plans called for solid balsa wings. Don built it out of foam and reinforced it with carbon fiber on the leading edge and balsa strips on the trailing edge. The fuselage and tail are made from Depron. Don achieved an airfoil in the wing by