1. T or F An airplane is climbing at 200 feet per minute flying directly into the wind. With the same power and trim settings it would also be climbing at 200 feet per minute directly downwind.
2. T or F Assuming the same power and trim settings, an airplane has a higher angle of climb, as measured with the ground, flying into the wind compared to flying downwind.
3. T or F The wing on a nose heavy airplane has to generate more lift for level flight than if the plane was properly balanced, even if the weight of the plane is the same in both instances.
4. T or F Assuming level flight and the same bank angle, a plane flying at 120 mph will take twice as long to make a 3600 turn as a plane flying at 60 mph.
5. T or F If a plane has a groundspeed of 50 mph into the wind and a groundspeed of 100 mph downwind with the same wind, its airspeed is 75 mph.
6. T or F Your Cub is flying at a true airspeed of 75 mph. If you fly 100 miles into a 25 mph wind and then return the 100 miles in the same wind, your average speed will be less than 75 mph.
7. T or F If you fly with a 90 degree crosswind your average groundspeed between two points will be less than if there is no wind.
8. T or F If you were flying above a smooth cloud layer and there were no gusts or turbulence, you would not be able tell the difference between an upwind turn and a downwind turn.
9. T or F The prop that gives the most static thrust, as measured with a scale, will usually not produce the highest airspeed.
10. T or F Once the wheels have left the ground, a steady crosswind will not lift a wing or flip a plane over.
ANSWERS - All True
Eliminating Balsa Dents Got nicks and dents in your balsa? Just put a cloth over the area and wet it, and then place a hot iron on the wet cloth. Nicks and dents disappear like magic.
Curing Prop Slippage In the case where you have a single bolt hub, prop slippage can be a problem. A simple cure for this is to use sticky-back sandpaper, any grit, and stick it to one of the contact surfaces.
Secure All Nuts and Bolts If you are new to large aircraft and motors, you are soon to learn that vibration is one of your worst enemies. Things that you think can't possibly come loose, oftentimes do. Check all nuts and bolts frequently! You will do yourself a big favor if you make sure that all screws, nuts, and bolts are securely fastened--not securely tightened--but fastened. This is especially true when a metal screw or bolt is threaded into a metal nut or fixture. Fastening involves using compounds or adhesives (LOCTITE, RPV, PFM, CA, etc.) on screw and bolt threads or using special locking nuts, such as those with nylon inserts. In extreme environments, or when resonance is just right, safety wire may be required. High-temp RTV (silicone rubber) works well in high temperature areas.
The Pinch Test If you pinch the fuel line, and the engine speeds up, it is on the rich side of the adjustment. How much it speeds up shows how close you are. If it speeds up a lot, you are rich. If it speeds up just a little, you are just right. If it doesn't speed up at all, you are just going lean. If it slows down, you are lean. This test temporarily starves the engine for fuel and is reliable to test for a too-lean condition. At full throttle, quickly pinch the fuel supply line. The engine should momentarily increase rpm before starting to die. If it starts to die immediately, then it's already too lean and should be adjusted.
Electric Starter Safety People who start engines by turning on an electric starter and jamming it against the spinner or prop hub are acting in an unnecessary and hazardous manner. This could slip and go into your hand, break props and needle valves or tear up your fuselage. Place the starter firmly against the engine, and then turn it on. This will create enough torque to turn your engine over effectively. from the AMA Newsletter