This website is devoted to the U.S. Army Veterans who served in the former
Seventh Army Soldiers Chorus or its successor name, the USAREUR Soldiers Chorus, which has served as the U.S. Army Europe's command chorus from 1963 to the present time.
Our chorus, which has been located in Mannheim, Stuttgart, Heidelberg and presently Schwetzingen, Germany, has consistently brought the Europeans a message of peace and friendship, through music.
For the past several years former members of the chorus have gathered together stateside, for reunions with old and new friends, sharing memories, singing old chorus tunes, and even putting on shows for Veterans, Churches or wherever our hosts deem appropriate.
We invite you to join us, be included in a roster we maintain of past and present chorus members and join us when we get together around the country.
I took up the mantle of coordinating for the Chorus Veterans after tha passing of a dear friend, Wayne Preston Drake, who kept all of us lost souls together through his newsletters and never ending perserverance. In his honor we have kept his traditon going, and strive every day to discover and reunite our missing comrades with the rest of our "family".
Our unit's theme in Germany, "Friendship Through Music", continues to have new meaning as we reunite with our comrades from all eras of the chorus' past and relive the music and tradition that made us the "Singing Ambassadors of Europe".
Steve Millman
former Baritone, Historian and Choreographer
Seventh Army Soldiers Chorus
Heidelberg, German
This page was last updated on 06/15/02.