Andromedan Ship Yards


NOTE: On all SSDs the shaded boxes on the Drone Racks, Plasma Racks and the ADDs represent the Y175 refit.
NOTE: On some SSDs the fighter/shuttles have shaded boxes, these represent the crippled the status of the fighter/shuttle.
NOTE: On some SSDs the crew check-off boxes have a 'B' or 'D' in them, these represent the crew units that are Boarding Parties or Deck Crews.

(R10P.301) PATHFINDER SURVEY SHIP (PAT) This ship has only been sited on a very few occassions and hence limited details concerning it have been confirmed. The first sighting was reportedly in early Y166. It is believed that it was designed to survey potential operating areas for the Andromedans. Reports indicate it may well be a modified Missionary class ship. It appears to operate a Viper, and a Ore-Gathering Sled. Speculation is that it also has a small cargo Cargo Pod.

R10002 TOOLMAN REPAIR CRUISER (TLM) This ship was designed to recover and repair satellite ships. First seen in Y184, at least 2 ships (code named Tim, and Al, by the Federation's GIA) have been identified. The Toolman can carry up to 3 small/medium, or a large and a medium/small satellite ships in its hanger.

(R10001) BOA CONSTRICTOR HEAVY DESTROYER (BOA) Taking a cue from the Galactic powers, the Andromedan’s constructed a variant of the Mamba Heavy Destroyer to serve as a mother ships multi-role satellite ship. The Boa was very rare, only carried on larger ships. The OPT, NWO, and APR* can be converted (in between scenarios) inside a larger ship or base, making this ship very valuable. It was first seen in Y188.
   NOTE: This ship cannot use all of the Annex #8H options, see note on SSD

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This page last updated 08/10/02