Light Tunnel
(Tutorial below)
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This image is not as hard to create as one would think, I'll show you how.
It only took me a few minutes to create this bump background in Photoshop.

Short version:

Create and fill your new image with a color.

Window -> Show Channels.
Create an Alpha channel in your Channels Palette.

Make the Alpha channel active, and create an effect.
Filter -> Render -> Clouds 
(Filter -> and anything in Textures)
(Filter -> Sketch -> Chalk & Charcoal/Conte Crayon/Graphic Pen/
Note Paper/Reticulation)
(Filter -> Pixelate -> Mezzotint/Pointillize)
(Filter -> Noise -> Add Noise)
(Filter -> Distort -> Diffuse Glow)
(Filter -> Artistic -> Film Grain/Plastic Wrap/Smudge Stick/Sponge/)
These are all the effects that should work really well with an Alpha Channel.
You can also use the brushes to create effects.

Highlight the RGB channel, and also the layer in the layer channel.

Go into Filter -> Render -> Lighting Effects.
Create multiple light sources by holding down the Alt(option key on a Mac)
key while dragging a light source. Go into the Texture Channel and find 
Alpha 1. Play around with the effects.

Click ok and your done.

Create a new image in Photoshop, and fill it with a color.

Go into your Channels palette: Window -> Show Channels.
(Click Create new channel at the bottom of the palette.)
Create a new Channel. Default name Alpha 1.

Make the new channel active.
Go into Filter -> Render -> Clouds. 
(Or any effect you choose.)

Highlight the RGB channel, and turn off the eyeball on the Alpha channel.
Go into Layers to make the layer active.

Go into Filter -> Render -> Lighting Effects.
At the bottom right in the Texture Channel drop down box, choose the 
Alpha channel you created.

Look below the preview image on the left side. You will see a 
light bulb at the bottom. Left drag this bulb up to the image 
and release the mouse. You have now created another light source.
Short cut key: Press Alt(option on a Mac) + and drag an existing 
light source to copy it to another place on the image. With both 
methods the cursor will change into a light bulb when creating 
another light source.

Play around with your light bulbs, and place them at various places.
(Top right)Try changing the Light Type, to Omi, Spotlight or Directional.
Try out the Styles you see in the drop down box.
Change the Intensity, and also move the Height slider (bottom right). 
If you find a really neat effect that you want to save, then press the 
save button under the Style drop down box, and your setting will be 
made available to you for use at another time in this bpx.

I used the Spotlight Light Type to create the effects you see on the above

When satisfied click ok.

You have now created your first bump background...:)

Here is an Action for you to try out.
How to use an Action:
Window -> Show Actions. 
Press the little black arrow in the top right corner, 
and load the Action. Highlight the Action, and press play.