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Below is posted the chart for well 27011 in New Hope. Being about 5 miles almost due north of the General Mills site, this well is closer than the two wells in the EAW. Wells 27010 and 27039 listed in the EAW are both about 8 miles from GM. This chart appears to me to show a 30 year general trend of draw down in the aquifer.
This and other well charts may be viewed at the following website: .
I am very busy with my day job and other activities, and have not had much time to study this website for charts of other nearby wells. Please send me an email if you happen to find any. --- ds
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well: 27011
unique: 203542
nearTown: NEW HOPE
twp: 118, rng: 21W, sec: 7
compdate: 06/30/1959
depth: 422
dia: 16, screen: 0, caseDepth: 339
caseMatl: S, meas_pt: 2.15
aquifer: CJDNCJDN
USGSsite: 450223093231801
quad: R16C, watershed: 20
read: YES, coCode: 27
swcd: Hennepin, region: 6
remarks: 4-19-2000 Today changed the MP from 3.00 to 2.15
based upon the measurement by Mike Liljegren on 3/17/2000.
Also changed all "obs" values in obs.dbf to reflect
this corrected MP value. TLG
website by dave stack, - - - - last update 00dec01 ----------