You might be looking at one of the best small hunting stands or shelter you have ever seen. The BoardMan Stand, although small in physical size, will provide many great features found in much larger and more expensive designs.
BoardMan Stand was designed with the following goals in mind
• Small yet room enough to allow you to sit or stand with relative ease of movement
• Provide effective windbreak
• Concealment
• View virtually 360 degrees
• Shoot in all directions without opening windows
• Allow you to hear sounds extremely well without the echo of a totally enclosed shelter
• Provide a modest degree of protection from rain and snow
• Comfortable without feeling closed in like many of the fully enclosed shelters
• Minimum building materials needed to assemble
Since building this stand many people have copied my design and encouraged
me to make drawings and instructions for them to assemble their own.
After almost 9 years, I finally have found the time to develop these
instructions and plans and make them available for purchase.
BoardMan Stand is approximately 4 feet on each side and front and 2
feet across the back. This provides for a tapered enclosure which when
placed with the back towards the prevailing wind direction provide excellent
protection from exposure to wind. You can sit in the rear part of shelter
yet see about 180 degrees with nothing blocking your view and with the
aid of the windows, look to each side and behind you. A short roof that
provides protection for your upper body from rain and snow. You have
room to stand up in the front end of stand and for most people, 5 1/2
foot or taller, see and shoot right over the roof, even use the roof
as a shooting rest.
Draping a camo blanket or tarp over the front section of shelter while
sitting, will provide even greater protection from rain or snow and
give extra warmth. At times we have even used a small propane heater
in one corner and extend the hunt without getting cold.
You can build BoardMan Stand with only two 4x8 foot sheets of 3/8” or
1/2” plywood and one 4x4 foot piece of 3/4” plywood for the floor, a
handful of 2x2s, some plastic windows and deck screws. BoardMan Stand,
being smaller than many box style stands is not very heavy and relatively
easy to place on a platform or support frame bolted to a tree.
BoardMan Stand is straightforward to construct and materials are available
from most any Building Center. Tools needed are skill saw, jigsaw, and
drill with screw bit. No nails are used or suggested for safety reasons.
You will receive multi-page step-by-step instructions with color photos
and diagrams. CAD generated layout sheet with dimensions and layout
drawings for each sheet of plywood. BoardMan Stand plans will become
available for download once payment is received.
Boardman Enterprises makes no claims as to the safe use of any stand
or structure and consideration needs to be given to the proper use of
power tools and construction practices. No stand is safe unless properly
constructed, maintained and supported. I provide these plans with no
risk to Boardman Enterprises or myself. This is a Do-it-Yourself Project.
The purchaser of BoardMan Stand must be responsible for the construction
and use of this project and agrees to above statement upon submitting
Additional questions will be answer by email
BoardMan Stand plans and instructions, $10 payable via PayPal at e2w@earthlink.net.
You may also purchase by sending payment via Money Order, along with
your email address so I can send notice of download instructions. Cash
will also be acceptable. Credit cards are accepted through PayPal only.
Make money order payable to:
Earl Wentzel
4105 Boardman St
Minneapolis, MN 55417
Credit Card payment available through
Questions? Email Boardman Enterprises