Cheap Thrills in Oregon.
Hello internet thrillseekers. This little internet offramp is home to my personal stuff that I don't have the sense to keep out of the public domain. So if you are looking for dumb photos of Laura or I visiting the coast or some mountain...Trudge on!
Our Apartment in 1999

Photos from Eugene-1999

Oregon coast-1999

Thanksgiving to the Redwoods-1999

Kyotopictures-2000 Real Kyoto program website

Buick Riviera and the pritmaking crowd

Washington and Mt Rainier-2001

Timberline Lodge trip (coming attraction)

Mt. Angel Library (coming attraction)

The Oregon Coast in July

More recent apartment clips

Crater Lake (coming attraction)(don't hold yer breath)

Laura and Josh: Matrimonial stuff.

18th street Safeway comes crashing down

My youngest brother, Jonas, and I at the pioneer statue on UofO's campus. Any similarity to Jebidiah Springfield or the Simpsons is just in your head.

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