One day its 84 degrees and the next it is 64 degrees, I guess it's SPRING.  The smell of glow fuel is in the air.  So what do you electric guys smell!!!!  (Bad??? - Editor)

     Are your new planes ready?  I have a couple of new ones this year.  One is a Hangar 9 T-34, which I won at a monthly raffle.  I have a new AX .46 and retracts in it.  The other plane is a Great Planes U-CAN-DO.  It is powered with a .91 4-stroke with pump.  Both should fly great.

     I am looking forward to getting the new fence installed.  It is something that I am going to need help with.  A few guys have called and said they will be there.  April 28th is the day; 9:00 AM is the time.  Along with the fence we will be putting up a new roof on the shelter.  One of the club members is providing most of the materials, and the labor to have this done.  We will be taking the old shingles off and replacing them with a metal roof.

A Big Thanks ahead of time for all of the help.

     There are a couple of things to keep in mind while at the flight line.  DO NOT walk behind a pilot with a running engine.  Please use the taxiways.  After landing use the taxiways.  Unless it cannot be avoided, please do not turn off of the

runway and onto the grass, especially toward the pilots.  You don't see full size airplanes doing that.  Let's be safe.

     On last thing before I go - When working on a plane in a room with a ceiling fan, STAY LOW.  (I wonder if he is speaking from experience - Editor)

Happy, Safe Flying.                              Al the Prez


    It's almost that time of the year again for the start of our monthly Fun Fly season.  I hope that your winter building projects went well.  I am looking forward to seeing them this spring so get them completed for the first fun fly that will be held on April 21.  The flight line opens at 9:00 AM for trim flights and the event begins at 10:00 AM.  Prizes are awarded to all that participate.

                                                               Bob Nagle

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