In the April newsletter the flying site rules and the flying site courtesy guidelines are published. You had a chance to read the rules when you signed your application for 2007 but they got turned in with the application. This will give you a chance to refresh your memory now that the flying season is close at hand. The rules and courtesy guidelines are the first page of the newsletter so that you can remove them and keep them available for a reference. The AMA insurance for you and the landowner only covers if you are following the rules. It would be a shame to lose our field because of the ignorance of a few fliers.
Part of Rule #1 states that members are to put their membership card on the frequency board and guests are supposed to use their AMA card. The reason for this is so that we can be sure that the fliers are either current ACRC members or guests with a current AMA. Fliers are not to use last year's cards, driver's licenses or business cards. If you lost your 2007 ACRC card and need a new one let me know. I will mail you a new card-FREE.
The field clean up will be April 28. The new fence will also be installed at that time. During the time the clean up is in progress the field will be closed to flying. The more help we have the faster it will go. Bring rakes, broom, hammers, cordless drills and a good set of gloves. It is better to have too much equipment than not enough equipment.
Don't forget that the first Fun Fly of 2007 is on Saturday, April 21 and the Spring Fly-In is on Sunday, May 20. The Pattern Contest will be Saturday, June 9 and the Fun Scale Contest will be Sunday, July 15. ACRC will once again be hosting the Scalemasters Contest on August 4. The pattern maneuvers for the Sportsman class and the Intermediate class are in this newsletter. You can also download the 2007 Pattern and Scale maneuver descriptions from the AMA
website, www.modelaircraft.org or you can email me and I will send you the pattern and/or scale contest pdf files. Get out there and practice. You will have some purpose to your flying other than just boring holes in the sky. If you have any questions about the maneuvers or the contests call Stan Zdon at (763) 784-3121.
The next meeting will be at Riverwind on April 19 at 7:00 PM. This is the last indoor meeting until September. Starting in May the summer meetings will be at the field. Stan Zdon
Field Safety
I was going over our Flying Site Courtesy rules and see that most of these are not only for courtesy but also help keep our field safe.
Keeping other pilots informed of the runway conditions is very important. Call your takeoffs, touch and goes and landings. If you need to walk out to the runway let others know and let them know when you are clear. Don't forget "Deadstick" landings have priority over any other takeoff and landings.
2. Always use one of the five pilot stations on the downwind side of the runway. (Maximum of five pilots flying at any one time.) There are five flight stations on either side of the center taxiway.
3. Always carry or have your aircraft under some sort of physical control west of the flight stations.
4. Make sure you or no one else is in line with your prop when you start your engine.
5. Don't fly fast and low near the pits.
One of the things I always try to do is be mindful of where the prop is at all times when the engine is running and to not reach over the prop to remove the glow plug battery.
Fly safely and I'll see you at the field.
Kevin Carlson