As most of you know John Shenton has passed away. He was a great guy once you got to know him. Many will miss him.
The new fence is up and it looks GREAT. PLEASE enter the flight stations at the two sides or the center. DO NOT STEP OVER THE FENCE. If someone does, we may have to add barbed wire to the top.
DO NOT run your aircraft off the runway in FRONT of you. Use the taxiways. Do place your aircraft on the taxiway, and walk to a Pilot Station. When leaving the runway use a taxiway, and the engine MUST be off by the time you reach the end of the taxiway. When in the pits going to the taxiway, and your engine is running, the aircraft will be under hand control. In other words, your aircraft must be held with your hand or hands. Either left or right hand, no matter HOW BIG or HOW SMALL the plane. NO TAXING IN THE PITS. OK, OK, time to get off the soapbox.
The FLY-IN is very soon, on May 20. I will be there with the T-Shirts. PLEASE BUY ONE. Be There or Be Square. It should be a great time, and I am looking forward to it.
Fly Safely Al the Prez