An important part of safety at the field is to give your airplane a good inspection before start up. I have been considering making a list of what to check and then laminating it and keeping it in my flight box. I know that pilots of commercial aircraft use these lists even though they have long since memorized all of the steps. The reason is that being human it's easy to get distracted and accidentally overlook a step.
Is my card on the impound channel board?
Check for structural problems on the wing, fuselage, motor and tail feathers.
Check that the prop is still tight.
Check the voltage on the transmitter and receiver.
Make sure you have the right model selected and that the control surfaces move the right way.
Check that screws have not worked loose or have not come out completely. (This one got me on my Katana twice.)
Check the center of gravity. Making sure that it has not changed due to repair or modifications.
Check landing gear. (are the wheels binding or loose.)
Check the control linkages and control arms.
These are just a few of the things I can think of right off the top of my head so if you have any more please e-mail me at
Fly Safely Kevin Carlson - Safety Coordinator