to maintain a 200-foot clearance.  There will have to be some measurements taken at the field with a way to mark this boundary.

     I still see most people reaching over the prop. to remove the glow plug after startup.  If you are making this a habit remember that no matter how many times you get lucky, it only takes once to lose a finger or get bit real bad.  DON'T DO IT......

     If you see anyone doing something unsafe its up to ALL of us to say something as long as it's said properly and politely.  Then if there is still a problem please contact me.  My e-mail and phone number are on the member list.  Just because I may be at the field does not mean I have to be the one to confront the person.  I my have not even have seen it.

Fly Safely                                         Kevin Carlson
                                                          Safety Officer

     Where did summer go?  I just am ending a weeklong vacation.  Yep, I got some flying and the TWO GARYS have soloed.  I had a great time with both of them.  Pass on some things to someone else.  It is good to pass on what you know to others.

     One of the things that they have been saying is that we are a great bunch of guys.  No matter whom they asked, they always got good answers.  Keep this up guys, that is what this hobby is about.  Keep that in mind when you are recruiting new members.

Well that is all for this month.

Fly safely                                            AL the Prez


     There has been interest by some of the members of the club to start combat flying next year.  This event will no doubt bring up some safety concerns that I plan on addressing in future articles.  The only thing I know about combat now is there must be a clear spectator line of at least 200 feet for every 1 cubic inch of displacement of the total number of aircraft in a heat.  This means a maximum of 6 .15 cubic inch models at a time

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