Please use a restraint. Being careful and aware is the name of the game. Use Common Sense. DON'T ASSUME. We will be talking about this in the December meeting.
Stay Warm, and Fly Safely Al the Prez
With the flying season coming to an end now is a good time to go over all your airplanes to make sure everything is sound. Check for broken or missing parts. Sometimes by just flexing the fuselage, the wing and the tail feathers by hand you can tell if a glue joint has come loose or a part has cracked.
Go over all the nuts and screws to make sure they are tight, and if not, consider using some removable lock tight on them.
Cycle your batteries during the winter to keep them strong and don't forget to check the receiver leads that they have not worked themselves out.
It can be tempting to try to get in one last flight of the year with an airplane that has a (small problem) but remember its always easier to fix a small problem than to replace the whole thing. So far this year I am not aware of any serious injuries, which is a very good thing.
Keep flying safely Kevin Carlson