FEBRUARY 2007                            2                           SERVO CHATTER



     About 65% of last year's members have rejoined for 2007.  This is about the same as last year at this time when it was also about 65%.  If any of your friends have not rejoined, please encourage them to do so ASAP.  The 2007 budget is based on a projected membership of 100 fully paid members.  If we drop much below that number we will have to cut services somewhere.

     If you qualify for an All-Season patch for 2006 let me know at the February meeting or call me and let me know.  I will be ordering patches in March and giving them out in April.

     This is a reminder that at the January 2006 membership meeting a new rule was proposed.  It pertains to flyers using the new Spread Spectrum radios and requires the flyer to have a pink ribbon on his transmitter, to be wearing a pink shirt and to have a pink handkerchief showing in his hip pocket.  After much discussion by the board it was determined that this rule applies only to B. S. Henton.

     If you have any pictures that could be used in the newsletter send them to me.  If they are digital, email them to szdon@yahoo.com.  If they are prints mail them to me and I will scan them and return them to you.

     The next meeting will be at Riverwind on February 15 at 7:00 PM.
                                                                Stan Zdon

Safety in the Workshop

     It's winter and the building season is in full swing.  Just as we  focus on flight safety during the flying season, he should not forget about shop safety during the building season.  Below are some general tips to keep in mind:

Keep it Clean

Many injuries result from poor housekeeping in the shop.  Trips, slips, and falls account for the bulk of these mishaps.

Scrap material and wrappings, loose parts, scattered tools and equipment, or oil spills can cause injury.  Debris should be swept up and disposed of.  Parts should be kept on work benches.  Tools should be placed where they cannot fall and cause damage or injury.  Oil spills should be covered with absorbent material and cleaned up.

Lighting, Heating, and Ventilation

Enough windows and overhead lights are required for a good level of overall illumination.  Additional lighting should be available over benches and stationary tools.

When supplemental heating is required for winter workshop operations, the heating unit should be located to provide an adequate, even distribution of heat; but should not cause a fire hazard.

Adequate systems are needed to vent smoke, fumes and exhaust gases.  Although open windows and doors may provide enough ventilation in the summer, special systems may be needed to remove exhaust fumes and other gases during the cold-weather months.

Little Things Can Make a Big difference

When working on your next building project do not forget the safety precautions below:

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