NOTE: The Hinhan use what are the equivalent of X-Phasers and can use (only) XE2.42.
NOTE: On some SSDs the fighter/shuttles have shaded boxes, these represent the crippled the status of the fighter/shuttle.
NOTE: On some SSDs the crew check-off boxes have a 'B' or 'D' in them, these represent the crew units that are Boarding Parties or Deck Crews.
NOTE: All Hinhan ships can land and take off from a planet using all landing systems.

   The Hinhan are a race of winged humanoids. The Hinhan are fully capable of flight and it is their preferred method of travel. A very secretive race, they were never conquered by the Tholians, as their homeworld's location has never been established or located. It is thought that the Hinhan come from a solar system located along the edge of the galaxy or from a rouge star outside the galaxy. The only established fact is that most of their discovered colonial worlds have been found along the rim of the galaxy.

   Little is known about Hinhan society. It is thought the they live in floating cities and prefer a warm climate. While considered sneaky and cowardly, individual Hinhan are known to be brave and loyal once a good relationship has been established with them. As a whole however, the Hinhan are known to dislike non-humanoid races, and really detest non-animal races (they do find that the Selts are delicious, however). They had good relations with the Wikasa and Symbiote, and tolerated the Matu, Manitutanka and Tartellas. When the Selts joined the alliance however, the Hinhan left in disgust.

   The Hinhan built their ships around speed.  Having developed the phaser beyond the rest of the galaxy, they never developed a heavy weapon. Generally the Hinhan preferred to delay and retreat in an even battle or when at the disadvantage. The Hinhan are superb at ground combat. Hinhan ships usually have an equal number of ground troops to their own boarding parties. These troops can not be used in ship to ship combat except as militia.

(TH701) HEAVY CRUISER (CA) This is the main ship of the Hinhan. Fast and well armed, it can hold its own against any ship in the galaxy.

(TH708) SURVEY CRUISER (SR) A variant of the CA, it was used to find colony worlds. This ship was rare and almost always operated by itself.

(TH709) BATTLECRUISER (BC) A variant of the CA, the ship was the largest non-Tholian/non-Seltorian ship seen in the galaxy. It was used as a command ship and was seldon operated by itself. Very few were known to have been built.

(TH702) LIGHT CRUISER (CL) This was the largest ship the Hinhan usually operated with alliance forces. Like all Hinhan ships, it is fast and well armed, and being fairly common, was often seen in alliance formations.

(TH706) LARGE SCOUT (HSC) A variant of the CL, it was introduced to provide electronic support to the fleet. This ship was common as the Hinhan were heavily into electronic warfare.

(TH710) LIGHT SURVEY CRUISER (CLS) A variant of the CL, it was used to find planets for colonization. Like the larger SR, this ship was rare and almost always operated by itself.

(TH703) DESTROYER (DD)This was a more commonly seen Hinhan ship. Fast and very maneuverable, it often joined with Matu destroyers in screening alliance fleets.

(TH707) SCOUT (SC) A variant of the DD, it (like the HSC) was introduced to provide electronic support to the fleet. This ship was widely used as the Hinhan were heavily into electronic warfare.

(TH704) FRIGATE (FF) This (along with the GB) was the most commonly used ship for patrolling. Fast and extremely maneuverable, the FF and its accompanying gunboats would often sound the warning that unknown ships were approaching.

(TH705) GUNBOAT (GB) This was the most commonly used Hinhan ship. Used in great numbers under the command of frigates, it was usually the first ship encountered when approaching Hinhan worlds or fleets.

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This page last updated 04/12/03