Norway 2002
First, Oslo


Most of the first day was spent flying.   We left at 1 PM for the first stop in Chicago.  There we boarded an SAS flight to Stockholm Sweden where we changed planes again and flew back to Oslo.  By the time the bus arrived at the hotel it was 10 AM Norway time, seventeen hours after leaving Minneapolis.

Walking Route in Oslo, day 1
(Click on any small picture in these pages for a larger view.
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We soon took off on our first walk and found that this was a holiday in Norway (Pentecost) so almost everything was closed.  (Follow the black line from the top of the map above headed left.)  After passing some parks and government buildings we found a place to get some lunch at the Aker Brygge wharf.  (Mostly small shops and restaurants.)  

Government Center, # 8 on Map(47557 bytes)    Aker Brygge, from # 93 (37304 bytes)


Ships at Dock, at # 35 (35591 bytes)    F. D. R. , below # 72 (64867 bytes)

Next it was across the ship docks and after a visit to President Roosevelt, up to the Citadel (Or castle), lower right part of black line on map.  This is an old high walled fortress built in xxxx to protect the king and army from invaders.  Parts of it were open so we entered the first of many museums on the trip. Over the years many changes and revisions had been made to the fortress.  Small passage ways, circular stairs, storage rooms and dungeons are buried within the walls as well as wonderful open rooms like the chapel and grand halls.

Akershus Inner Courtyard(46953 bytes)     Kings Chapel (40678 bytes)


Out the Second Gate (42557 bytes)    Still inside the outer walls (Resistance Museum) Hjemmefrontmuseet (58475 bytes)

Other museums were available but time and energy were quickly waning.  

Later that same evening we took another walk down the cobble stone walking street to the train station and back, (blue line on map).  More people were about now.  This street has a lot of music stores and is one of the nightlife areas of Oslo.  Interesting to see so many people from all over the world, mostly speaking Norwegian! 



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Last updated 06/28/2002