Norway 2002
Tønsberg / Hvittingfoss

Picked up our rental car, after a little hassle with a lost reservation, and headed off into Norway.  First stop was the Tønsberg train station where we were to meet our neighbors from Minneapolis, Kaare & Inga.  Korie Inga Sharon (42164 bytes)They lead us from the station to their home which was along a puzzling set of twisty roads.  They have a lovely little house up on a hillside just right for a retired Cottage (48508 bytes)couple.  After lunch and conversation, we went out to see the area nearby where Inga grew up, a small farming community named Fon.  They then led us to the road we Fon Church (51826 bytes)needed to reach Sharon's relatives and, to soon we said goodbye. -----»   Just up the road near a town called Hvittingfoss is the farm where Sharon's  grandmother came from.  The family still lives there and plans to stay.  Per (23788 bytes)Per is finishing his studies in technical school but would like to take over the farm in the future.  At the moment they board horses, raise some grain crops, and 10,000 chickens in a very modern automated facility.  The house has beenFarm House (33826 bytes) remodeled as the years have gone by, but they have maintained the same basic look and structure it was designed with over a hundred years ago.  Sharon's grandmother was born on a neighboring farm (pictured in the foreground below which is now gone) but moved to the above location later in life. (Background in picture)
Livingroom Diningroom (34578 bytes)       Saeter (43615 bytes)      Arial View of Farms (45318 bytes)
They shared a wonderful family supper of good solid Norwegian foods like boiled red potatoes, roast moose (I think we call it elk), dark gravy, mixed greens, breads, jams and a very special whipped cream with cloudberries dessert.  
For a short drive and a bit of a walk we went up to see the family sæter 300 meters up the mountain behind the farm.  This is where Sharon's grandmother spent much of her summers tending the livestock, making cheese, picking berries, and generally -----»
  enjoying herself.  The sæter, now refinished on the inside as a summer cabin, is over 150 years old and still looks great.  A small barn nearby also still stands but has needed more repairs over the years due to use and  weathering.  It is about an hours walk up to the sæter from the farm (three hours with the livestock).   We drove!

Sharon's Family (27290 bytes) Pictured from left to right are:  
Ole, Anna, Peter, Rachel, Arne, and Sharon.  Others
present but not pictured were Knute and Per.

We returned to sit around the coffee table talking late into the night while eating lefse, kromkake, and a special "Welcome to Norway" layer cake filled with whipped cream sliced bananas & strawberries, and covered with marzipan.  In the morning after the normal family breakfast we had to leave.  
Thanks again for everything!-----»
  Sometime during the night a local "Nisse" managed to fill the gas tank on our car.  It wasn't until much later the next day that we realized that we were getting awfully good mileage with that little vehicle!  Tusen Tak!

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Last updated 06/28/2002